Decoy Experiment
Back to Reports | Back Note that some of the protocols here had a different original protocol name and have been renamed later in the process of being uploaded. You will still see the old protocol name on session material such as text report and drawings.
Original protocol name W1D1SM stood for Wikimedia (target pool), I think the 1 stood for one target (perhaps I had intended to later do another protocol which has two or more targets), D1 for one decoy, SM for self matching (I think perhaps as opposed to judge matching which I maybe intended to do later, meaning matching of report to one of the images but by a person other than me, but as far as I can see other judge matching protocols were never implemented). New protocol name is simply W1D which stands for Wikimedia (target pool), 1D for one decoy.
Original protocol name W1D2SM where D2 stood for two decoys, was similarly renamed to W2D where 2D stands for two decoys.
Original protocol name W1FD1 was renamed to WF1D.
Original protocol name W1FD2 was renamed to WF2D.
Original protocol name W1F was renamed to WF.
NOTICE! These sessions used targets that were only used by me, so seeing these sessions does not spoil any remote viewing targets for anyone else.
WF1D - Wikimedia Feedback One Decoy
WF2D - Wikimedia Feedback Two Decoy