WF2D - Wikimedia Feedback Two Decoy

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For this protocol, there is one target and two decoy images for each session. I remote view, I then show myself the target feedback, I then show myself the first decoy, and I then show myself the second decoy. Sessions 2 and 7 have three decoys. The full writeup of this protocol, and of the findings from working this protocol, will be written up some time later, for now I only upload the sessions.

NOTICE! These sessions used targets that were only used by me, so seeing these sessions does not spoil any remote viewing targets for anyone else.

Click on the drawings for a larger image.

WF2D19 - 04.July.2019

WF2D18 - 04.July.2019

WF2D17 - 03.July.2019

WF2D16 - 03.July.2019

WF2D15 - 03.July.2019

WF2D14 - 03.July.2019

WF2D13 - 03.July.2019

WF2D12 - 03.July.2019

WF2D11 - 03.July.2019

WF2D10 - 03.July.2019

WF2D9 - 03.July.2019

WF2D8 - 02.July.2019

WF2D7 - 02.July.2019

WF2D6 - 02.July.2019

WF2D5 - 01.July.2019

WF2D4 - 01.July.2019

WF2D3 - 01.July.2019

WF2D2 - 01.July.2019

WF2D1 - 30.June.2019