W2D - Wikimedia Two Decoy

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These sessions have one target image and also two decoy images that are not meant to be the target. As far as I understand it (will have to look at the protocol in more detail later to be sure), I would first do a remote viewing, then create a target and two decoy images respectively and match my report to the image that best matches to the report, and after matching I find out if I had matched the report to the intended target or to one of the intended decoys. I will do a writeup of the protocol later. (Note that there was no process by which the intended target was "made to be the target", at this time I think I had thought that the target magically is what we intend it to be, not knowing that something has to "make" it be the target, so the decoys and the target were all fair game at matching in terms of signal I think, I will write about this in more depth later.)

NOTICE! These sessions used targets that were only used by me, so seeing these sessions does not spoil any remote viewing targets for anyone else.

Click on the drawings for a larger image.

W2D10 - 25.June.2019

W2D9 - 25.June.2019

W2D8 - 25.June.2019

W2D7 - 25.June.2019

W2D6 - 24.June.2019

W2D5 - 24.June.2019

W2D4 - 24.June.2019

W2D3 - 24.June.2019

W2D2 - 24.June.2019

W2D1 - 23.June.2019