CAW - Category Wikimedia

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I used the Wikimedia website as a target pool, where a link on the webpage leads to a new random image file which is the target. I am using a list of five different categories: Water, Plants, Human/Animal (don't need to specify which it is), Vehicles or Electronics, House or similar building. I mark which of these five categories are present in my remote viewing data, and I mark which of these five categories are present on the target image, and can attempt to get a quantitative number score for correct matches. It seems I have made some errors in some of the text reports when I count together these numbers, but I have left these unchanged as they were. There is also some inconsistency in the format of how I implement the categories system across the 20 sessions under this protocol. A more thorough writeup of this protocol will be made later.

NOTICE! These sessions used targets that were only used by me, so seeing these sessions does not spoil any remote viewing targets for anyone else.

Click on the drawings for a larger image.

CAW3 - 08.July.2019

CAW2 - 08.July.2019

CAW1 - 08.July.2019