PM - Picture Matching Session Reports
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For this remote viewing protocol, I had myself prepared 50 different target feedback pages that were complete feedback pages except they did not yet have a target number assigned on them. The 50 targets were placed into ten sets of 5 targets in each set, each target in a set belonging to one of five different categories or types of targets. Another person would use a random process to select one of the 50 targets for me and would assign the target with a target number. I would remote view, and before I would see the feedback, I would find out which of the ten sets the target belongs to. I would then look up the names that I had on a list for what pictures are in that set. I would attempt to match my session report to one of those five targets in the set. I called this protocol at the time the Stage 5 protocol, simply because it was the fifth type of experimental remote viewing protocol in sequence.
Click on the drawings for a larger image.