MHT - MHT Targets Session Reports
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These three targets were tasked by someone else and a normal remote viewing protocol was used. All three targets were tasked by the same tasker. MHT1 and MHT2 had the tasker choose a target picture by whatever process that the tasker used unknown to me. MHT3 used a different tasking method, where I had devised a randomized process by which the tasker would land on to choose a specific picture from the Wikimedia Commons website, however still providing me with a blind target. In spite of a differing procedure used by the tasker for the selection of a target picture, I have grouped these three sessions under the same session index, since the tasker and the remote viewing procedure and feedback procedure are otherwise the same.
Click on the drawings for a larger image.
MHT3 - 11-12.October.2018 |