

Remote viewing session reports from my sessions will be uploaded here.

I will upload EVERY session I ever made. There are protocols (sections of sessions) which have been experimental in nature, where I was testing remote viewing and in method development.

Here are current sessions from the year 2023
HP - Human Portraits Sessions

Below are sessions being uploaded starting with my first ever sessions and working chronologically upward to catch up with current time.
I started remote viewing in February 2018.
Now is June 2024 and I am currently uploading in chronological order June 2019 sessions.
Expected to catch up with uploading sessions in December 2026

1. DS - Daz Smith Sessions

2. GM - Group Matching Sessions

3. MT - Matching Targets Sessions

4. AP - Always Psychic Sessions

5. FBT - Facebook Targets Sessions

6. LB - Lyn Buchanan Sessions

7. SM - SM tasker Sessions

8. CM - Category Matching

9. PM - Picture Matching

10. MHT - MHT Targets

11. MHTM - MHT Matching Targets

12. DK - Dan Kincaid Targets

13. DST - Daz Smith Targets

14. DLK - Debra Lynne Katz Targets

15. ARV - Associative Remote Viewing ARV

16. WN - World News Sessions

17. PRVTM - Sessions

18. PRVT - Sessions

19. CTP - Crime Target Practice

20. MPTP - Missing Person Target Practice

21. PX - ProjectX Sessions

22. NS - Noetic Sciences

23. NQ - Noetic Sciences Quick Remote Viewing

24. IN - Internet Search Image Targets

25. WR - Wikimedia Commons Random Image

26. CVT - Crypto Viewing Target

27. WM - Wikimedia Matching

28. WC - Wikimedia Checklist

List of Sessions 2020 - ADDED LATER

List of Sessions 2019

List of Sessions 2018

Index List