Index List

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Each different type of remote viewing session has its own session index. Here is a list of all the different session indexes that I have.

As an aside from current year 2023:
HP - Human Portraits targets

From year 2018 and 2019:
AP - Always Psychic targets
CM - Category Matching targets
CTP - Crime Target Practice targets
CVT - Crypto Viewing Target
DK - Dan Kincaid targets
DLK - Debra Lynne Katz targets
DS - Daz Smith targets
DST - Daz Smith Targets targets
FBT - Facebook Targets targets
GM - Group Matching targets
IN4A - Internet Search Image Targets 4A
IN5A - Internet Search Image Targets 5A
IN6A - Internet Search Image Targets 6A
IN4B - Internet Search Image Targets 4B
IN5B - Internet Search Image Targets 5B
IN6B - Internet Search Image Targets 6B
IN1C - Internet Search Image Targets 1C
LB - Lyn Buchanan targets
MHT - MHT targets
MHTM - MHT Matching targets
MPTP - Missing Person Target Practice
MT - Matching Targets targets
NQ - Noetic Sciences Quick Remote Viewing targets
NS - Noetic Sciences targets
PM - Picture Matching targets
PRVT - People Remote Viewing Targets
PRVTM - People Remote Viewing Targets Matching targets
PX - ProjectX targets
SM - SM tasker targets
WC - Wikimedia Checklist
WM - Wikimedia Matching
WN - World News
WR - Wikimedia Commons Random Image

ARV Associative Remote Viewing:
ARVA - ARV Protocol A
ARVB - ARV Protocol B